Dabinett Hilliard Residence, Array Net Zero Development, NC
The South elevation of the Dabinett Hilliard residence has ample glass to light the interior throughout the day, while keeping the house from overheating with deep overhangs.
The SW corner of the house has few windows to help keep out excess solar heat gain. We concentrated windows on the south.
The butterfly roof being framed as seen from the inside.
The South elevation of the Dabinett Hilliard residence has ample glass to light the interior throughout the day, while keeping the house from overheating with deep overhangs.
The Dabinett Hiliard residence is for Georgia and Gray, ace gardeners and dog rescuers who selected their forever homesite in the Array Net Zero Development to be among like minded individuals who care about the planet.
The house is going to be not only a shelter and comfortable home, but is going to function as a water collection device for the extensive gardens Georgia and Gray are planning. Droughts are increasing in North Carolina, and this will help keep their veggie and flower gardens flourishing with rainwater collection.
NewPhire Building is the GC on this one.